Tax Policy Center



William G. Gale


Social Media

Research report

The U.S. faces substantial and unsustainable budget deficits, which will require tax increases and spending cuts to resolve. A carbon tax could raise revenues, with several positive effects: it would improve environmental outcomes, increase economic efficiency, and allow the elimination of...

March 11, 2013
Samuel BrownWilliam G. GaleFernando Saltiel
Research report

With the passage of the recent tax act, many observers are claiming that fiscal issues have been, essentially, resolved and that the nation should move on to other issues. The February 2013 release of the Congressional Budget Offices Budget and Economic Outlook provides an opportunity to re-...

February 27, 2013
Alan J. AuerbachWilliam G. Gale
Research report

In this chapter, we propose a value-added tax (VAT) to contribute to the U.S. fiscal solution. A 5 percent broad-based VAT, paired with subsidies to offset the regressive impacts, could raise about 1 percent of GDP per year. International experience suggests that the VAT can raise substantial...

February 25, 2013
Benjamin H. HarrisWilliam G. Gale
Research report

The Congressional Budget Office released its latest Budget and Economic Outlook earlier this week. As always, the Outlook provides insight into the fiscal status of the federal government. The Outlook shows that, while we do not face an imminent budget crisis, we are not out of the woods. The 10...

February 7, 2013
William G. Gale
Journal Article

With less than four weeks left, reaching an agreement to avoid the negative short-term economic impact of the so-called fiscal cliff might be beyond the ability of the strained U.S. political system.

December 5, 2012
William G. GaleAdditional Authors

In a contribution to The New York Times' Room for Debate, Bill Gale responds to the question: can policy makers make a dent in the deficit without affecting the majority of taxpayers?

December 5, 2012
William G. Gale

In a contribution to USA Today, Bill Gale asserts that going over the cliff might be the only way to stimulate the economy and implement gradual, balanced fiscal consolidation over the next decade.

November 29, 2012
William G. Gale
Research report

This paper examines the fiscal outlook and tax reform options in the United States. The major conclusions include: the United States faces a substantial fiscal shortfall in the medium- and long-term; both spending cuts and tax increases should contribute to the solution; tax increases need not...

November 29, 2012
Samuel BrownWilliam G. Gale
Research report

Tax reform ideas played an important role in the recent Presidential election. Republican candidate Mitt Romney proposed large tax cuts and other changes that he said could be part of a revenue-neutral tax reform that also retained low rates on savings and investment and would not raise taxes on...

November 6, 2012
Samuel BrownWilliam G. GaleAdam Looney

From TaxVox