Tax Policy Center


Kim S. Rueben


Debt limits are provisions that limit a state’s ability to take on new debt or debt service. This fact sheet describes the different rules that states use to limit debt and reviews evidence on how debt limits affect fiscal outcomes.

November 28, 2017
Kim S. RuebenMegan Randall

States use different methods to estimate how much revenue they will have available to spend in future years. This fact sheet describes different approaches to revenue forecasting and presents recommendations on how to improve forecasting accuracy and transparency.

November 28, 2017
Kim S. RuebenMegan Randall

Fluctuations in state revenue, especially unexpected ones, can compromise state services and contribute to overall fiscal instability. This fact sheet discusses the causes of state revenue volatility and how state tax and budget policy can either contribute to, or mitigate, it.

November 28, 2017
Kim S. RuebenMegan Randall

Supermajority budget rules require a state to obtain more than a majority vote of the legislature, typically two-thirds or three-fifths of the votes, to pass a budget bill. This fact sheet reviews evidence on how supermajority budget rules affect fiscal outcomes, such as late budgets and...

November 28, 2017
Kim S. RuebenMegan Randall

Tax and expenditure limits (TELs) are self-imposed restrictions that state governments create to restrict the amount they can tax or spend. This fact sheet describes how TELs vary across states and discusses evidence on whether TELs achieve their objective of restraining government growth.

November 28, 2017
Kim S. RuebenMegan Randall
Research report

States adopt a variety of budget practices to help define spending priorities and influence fiscal outcomes. However, not all budget practices achieve the desired fiscal objectives, and some practices may compromise states’ long-term fiscal sustainability. This report discusses evidence from the...

November 28, 2017
Megan RandallKim S. Rueben

Balanced budget requirements (BBRs) prohibit states from spending more than they collect in revenue. This fact sheet describes how BBRs vary in stringency and design and reviews evidence on whether stricter antideficit provisions produce “tighter” state fiscal outcomes, such as reduced spending...

November 28, 2017
Kim S. RuebenMegan Randall

Although most states produce a budget annually, 20 states produce a budget every other year for the upcoming two fiscal years, or biennially. This fact sheet describes the budget process and reviews the evidence on how annual and biennial budgeting, as well as the line item veto, affect fiscal...

November 28, 2017
Kim S. RuebenMegan Randall
Journal Article

Current discussions about federal tax reform include a number of proposals that could impact the states. These items may broaden the tax base and increase state revenue, or put pressure on states to cut taxes and reduce revenue, or even create administrative challenges for states. In this...

October 30, 2017
Kim S. RuebenFrank SammartinoRichard C. Auxier

From TaxVox