Tax Policy Center

Elaine Maag

Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The earned income tax credit (EITC) lifts millions of working families out of poverty, but provides little support to workers without children and some low-wage workers married to other low-wage workers. Congress could fix this flaw by scaling back the EITC and creating a new worker credit that is
May 20, 2015Elaine Maag
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
My dad taught a teenage me an important lesson when he helped me file my first federal income tax return. I earned the minimum wage at a part-time job, and didn’t have to file. But he explained that I should file, knowing my effort would be rewarded. “You don’t earn enough to owe income taxes,” he
May 6, 2015Renu Zaretsky
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
President Obama proposed three important changes to the way the federal government helps families with child care costs – increase direct subsidies for low-income families, increase tax credits for middle- and higher income families, and simplify the tax code (and offset some of the cost of the
January 22, 2015Elaine Maag
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
In the end-of-the-year congressional scramble, lawmakers scuttled an effort to permanently extend a number of tax breaks—largely because many feared it would open the door to widespread use of refundable tax credits by undocumented immigrants covered by President Obama’s recent executive order. But
December 12, 2014Elaine Maag
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
co-authored with William G. Gale While most of the tax drama these days is focused on the fate of 50+ mostly-business tax breaks that expired nearly a year ago, lawmakers are also debating two provisions that are enormously important to low- and moderate-income households-the Child Tax Credit (CTC
December 3, 2014Elaine MaagWilliam G. Gale
: TaxVox
How do you catch a tax and pin it down? Can governments make corporations “ stay and listen to all they say ?” Treasury Secretary Jack Lew in his Washington Post op-ed called on Congress to immediately stop corporations from lowering taxes by incorporating overseas. Former Treasury official Steve
July 29, 2014Renu Zaretsky
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) does not work for low-income families. It fails on three counts – the credit is nonrefundable, covers only a portion of expenses, and comes long after expenses have been incurred. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Patty Murray (D-
July 28, 2014Elaine Maag
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins (R-KN) wants to expand the child tax credit (CTC) with the Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014. She’s on the right track, but her proposed expansions are ill-targeted and fail to address the credit’s biggest looming issue: the change in refundability that will hit
June 30, 2014Elaine Maag
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
House Ways & Means Committee Chair Dave Camp’s tax reform plan would make many changes to the two major refundable tax credits aimed at assisting...
March 11, 2014Elaine Maag
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
As the idea of expanding the “childless EITC” gathers steam, it’s time to start thinking about what the next generation of worker credits should look...
February 5, 2014Elaine Maag