Tax Policy Center

earned income tax credit

Individual Taxes: TaxVox
As parents learn how many days (if any) their children will be in a physical school this fall, many are preparing to provide care for...
July 28, 2020Elaine Maag
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The major individual income tax provisions in the House-passed Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act would cut taxes by an average of...
May 22, 2020Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
President Trump and some members of Congress are promoting a payroll tax cut to respond to the growing coronavirus outbreak. But if they are looking...
March 13, 2020Elaine Maag
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
A handful of the remaining Democratic presidential candidates remain committed to increasing the earned income tax credit (EITC), particularly for workers without children at home...
February 21, 2020Elaine Maag
: TaxVox
The IRS and Census Bureau estimate that only about 78 percent of people who are eligible for the earned income tax credit (EITC) get it...
February 18, 2020Elaine Maag
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman of the University of California at Berkeley have a new book that has generated an enormous amount of attention...
October 11, 2019Howard Gleckman
: TaxVox
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) significantly changed how families with children were treated under the individual income tax, but for many - changed...
October 8, 2019Elaine Maag
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Few of the 47 percent of who pay no federal income tax are off the rolls for very long.
August 6, 2019Howard Gleckman
: TaxVox
The earned income tax credit (EITC) is a highly effective policy for fighting poverty that has garnered widespread praise from both Democrats and Republicans. In...
December 3, 2018Richard C. Auxier
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The Tax Policy Center estimates that the new refundable tax credit for low- and middle-income households proposed by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) would cut taxes...
November 14, 2018Howard Gleckman