Tax Policy Center


Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Without changes in the law, health care, Social Security, and interest on the debt will eat up 85 percent of all new federal government spending over the next 10 years, according to the latest estimates by the Congressional Budget Office. By contrast, CBO expects most of the rest of government,
August 28, 2014Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The Treasury Department put out the word that Secretary Jack Lew is considering regulatory curbs on corporate tax inversions, a step that may be intended to increase pressure on Congress to act once it returns from its summer recess in September. The matter of how much authority Treasury has to
August 19, 2014Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Next time a lawmaker starts to pontificate about the desperate need to reduce the budget deficit, remind him (or her) about what Congress did just before it left town last week. It passed two bills that are extremely important, but didn’t pay for either of them. And they are likely to add tens of
August 7, 2014Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Congress and corporate America are in a dangerous and mutually destructive race: The more lawmakers threaten to ban the practice of inversions—where U.S. based multinationals merge with foreign firms to lower their tax bill-- the more firms race to complete the deals while they can. The more deals
July 17, 2014Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
After it returns from Spring Break next week, Congress may face two big fiscal reality checks. It will have to decide whether to temporarily extend...
March 20, 2014Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
When it comes to tax policy, President Obama’s State of the Union address last night was a model of modesty. There was little new. And,...
January 29, 2014Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
The Internal Revenue Service is one of the biggest losers in the 2014 budget deal agreed to last night by House and Senate negotiators. Under...
January 14, 2014Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
In the battle over whether to extend long-term unemployment benefits, one of the Republican talking points is: Sure, we’ll consider an extension, but it must...
January 9, 2014Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Tax Vox proudly announces its seventh annual Lump of Coal Award for the worst tax and fiscal policies of 2013. The year was a curious...
December 23, 2013Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The budget deal announced Tuesday wouldn’t raise taxes—members of Congress can vote for it without violating their no-tax pledges. But the plan will collect billions...
December 11, 2013Roberton C. Williams