Research report

This article offers an assessment of how well Social Security takes care of the poor.

December 23, 2000
C. Eugene Steuerle
Research report

Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle offers a new president advice on governing.

January 22, 2001
C. Eugene Steuerle
Research report

Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle advocates for a stronger Treasury role as the new team takes on the departments mission.

February 19, 2001
C. Eugene Steuerle
Research report

As tax bills go through Congress, Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle describes how tax provisions can be targeted effectively and how legitimate tax policy principles be maintained, in spite of wide disagreement over the exact shape of an ideal tax system.

March 12, 2001
C. Eugene Steuerle
Research report

Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle argues for simplification as a main goal of tax reform.

June 4, 2001
C. Eugene Steuerle
Research report

Be wary of quick fixes for the nation's economic problems, for they just may make things worse.

November 16, 2001
C. Eugene Steuerle
Research report

Should policymakers use capital expense deductions to help stabilize the economy?

March 29, 2002
C. Eugene Steuerle
Research report

When policy makers decide that they are going to grant a temporary write-off for new capital investments, they essentially conclude that its macroeconomic advantages exceed other alternatives. However, incentive effects apply more powerfully to established or old business than to new business...

April 29, 2002
C. Eugene Steuerle
Research report

This brief considers focuses on the ending of temporary investment incentives.

April 15, 2002
C. Eugene Steuerle
Research report

This paper focuses on how the tax expenditure debate has evolved over the years.

June 10, 2002
C. Eugene Steuerle