
In a contribution to Real Clear Markets, Bill Gale discusses the debate over Romney's tax plan.

October 7, 2012
William G. Gale

This brief examines characteristics of the mortgage interest deduction by utilizing zip-code level data on taxes and demographics. In the following sections, we focus on the relationship between the mortgage interest deduction and Adjusted Gross Income, the demographic characteristics of zip...

December 5, 2014
Benjamin H. HarrisLucie Parker

The federal tax system provides little incentive for participation in tax-preferred saving plans to households that most need to save more for retirement and whose contributions would most likely represent an actual increase in savings. By contrast, the tax code provides its strongest incentives...

July 7, 2005
William G. GaleJ. Mark IwryPeter Orszag

Despite the intensity of the debate over President Bush's tax policies, all political factions seem to agree that tax and spending programs should, on average, distribute economic resources from the rich to the poor. The arguments involve the amount of redistribution; only fringe groups ask...

December 31, 2003
Rudolph G. Penner

Programs for working families and children are scheduled to shrink rapidly over the next few years, squeezed between rising expenditures on programs for the elderly and declines in tax revenues. This scenario will play out even if only modest defense and international needs are factored into the...

December 1, 2003
C. Eugene Steuerle

[United Press International] Would most Americans be in favor of raising payroll taxes on the middle class to finance huge income tax cuts for the rich? Unquestionably, no. Yet, that is exactly what President Bush is now proposing. He argues for cutting tax rates on high-income families,...

April 15, 2003
Harry Holzer

[Newsday] Currently affecting only a few, mostly wealthy, taxpayers, the alternative minimum tax (AMT) will expand dramatically over the next several years, visiting high tax rates and mind-numbingly complex paperwork on unsuspecting middle-class families. Prompt action could reverse...

November 14, 2002
Leonard E. BurmanWilliam G. Gale

The federal income tax system has been used in a number of ways to promote favored forms of consumption and investment and to help selected groups of taxpayers. Since the mid-1980s, Congress has increasingly used the federal tax code to support social programs. This trend is likely to continue....

July 16, 2002
Frank SammartinoEric ToderElaine Maag

Tax credits are being touted as possible mechanisms for expanding health insurance coverage in the United States. Analysts, members of Congress, and the Bush administration have all developed tax credit proposals in the past few years. However, although tax credit approaches are clearly...

August 1, 2001
Linda J. Blumberg

With support from the Bush administration, the Federal Reserve Board Chairman, and Congress, a major cut in the federal income tax is almost certain. The question now is what type of cut it should be. Proponents often speak as though all tax cuts would benefit all groups. Not all income tax cuts...

July 1, 2001
Frank Sammartino