Tax Policy Center

Tax Policy Center

Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
One of the biggest selling points for tax reform is the claim that a new and improved revenue code would be easier for taxpayers to manage. Along with economic growth and fairness, simplicity has been a watchword for reform for decades. But a striking new survey by the Associated Press-GfK has me
April 10, 2014Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
In an important new paper , Eric Toder of the Tax Policy Center and Alan Viard of the American Enterprise Institute say that corporate tax reforms now being debated in Congress fall far short of solving the widespread problems with the levy. Rather than merely lowering rates and tinkering with tax
April 4, 2014Howard Gleckman
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
House Ways & Means Committee Chair Dave Camp (R-MI), who said yesterday that he’ll retire from Congress at the end of the year, will leave behind an enormously important achievement. At a time when too many of his fellow lawmakers substitute easy partisan rhetoric for hard work, Camp wrote a
April 1, 2014Howard Gleckman
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
Maybe the best way for tax reformers to get political traction is to focus on values, not economics. That, at least, was one take-away from three political scientists who spoke at a Tax Policy Center panel today. Until now, backers of reform have focused primarily on economic arguments: A reformed
March 31, 2014Howard Gleckman
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
Everyone agrees that the tax code is a mess. So why is it so hard for Congress and the President to fix it? On Monday, the Tax Policy Center will host three top political experts who will explain why reform is such a challenge and how backers could overcome its hurdles. It won’t be easy. As
March 27, 2014Howard Gleckman
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
House Ways & Means Committee chair Dave Camp’s most important contribution to the tax reform debate may be this: By proposing a specific, transparent, and...
March 14, 2014Howard Gleckman
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp has offered a detailed and thoughtful set of proposals on international tax reform, as did former Senate Finance...
March 10, 2014Eric Toder
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), about to become the new chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said Friday that he aims to eventually rewrite what he...
February 10, 2014Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
When it comes to tax policy, President Obama’s State of the Union address last night was a model of modesty. There was little new. And,...
January 29, 2014Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Does it make sense to fund much-needed roads, bridges, and mass transit with a big tax cut for multi-national corporations? A growing number of Democrats...
January 23, 2014Howard Gleckman