Tax Policy Center


Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Watching the closing days of the campaign with school-age children is like walking through a minefield, often for reasons that have nothing to do with tax policy. They are learning about “angry voters” and “rigged systems.” But they don’t get it. Why are people so angry? What are these “systems” and why do so many seem to distrust them?
November 2, 2016Renu Zaretsky
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
Yesterday, former IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg (who held top tax positions in the administrations of both Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush)
August 24, 2016Steven M. Rosenthal
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
What the GOP Platform Says About Taxes The Republican platform approved yesterday by the GOP convention is an attempt to merge standard party views on...
July 19, 2016Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
It is a familiar--and sad—Washington story. Start with an agency that deals extensively with the public. The agency stumbles. Congress cuts its budget. The resource-constrained agency does an even-worse job. And the very lawmakers who limited the agency’s ability to do its job express shock and
May 24, 2016Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The Senate Finance Committee is about to miss an opportunity to fix a problem Congress has been complaining about for years. Tomorrow, the panel is planning to mark up a multi-part IRS bill . But it will leave out an important provision that would allow the agency to set minimum standards for paid
April 19, 2016Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Don't say the nation's capital never does anything for you. Thanks to a District of Columbia (DC) holiday, the IRS moved Tax Day back three days to April 18 this year. Since 1955, April 15 has served as Tax Day in the United States , but the IRS can delay the filing deadline when it coincides with
April 4, 2016Richard C. Auxier
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Congress has banned more low-income families who file erroneous tax returns from receiving refundable credits. If lawmakers think this is such a terrific idea, why stop at low-income households? For instance, why shouldn’t Congress bar trade associations from claiming tax-exempt status if they file
January 7, 2016Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Congress is back. Fiscal deadlines loom. Presidential candidates have tax plans to propose. It isn’t clear how much lawmakers will accomplish in the next four months, but it will be a busy and interesting fall. Here are five stories to watch: International Tax Reform : House Republicans insist they
September 8, 2015Howard Gleckman
: TaxVox
Can the Senate pass a highway bill? Last night, the Senate finally voted to begin debate on its version of a transportation bill. But it is in for a tough slog thanks in part to two GOP presidential hopefuls. Ted Cruz has threatened to tie the Iran deal to the measure. The Texan wants an amendment
July 23, 2015Renu Zaretsky
: TaxVox
Treasury shares tax filing data on the Affordable Care Act. It released data Friday that show 81 percent of tax filers “checked the box” to indicate that they had health insurance coverage. Nine percent claimed a health care coverage exemption, and 6 percent paid the fee for remaining uninsured
July 20, 2015Renu Zaretsky