Tax Policy Center

Congressional Budget Office

Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
With 10 days to go until the dreaded sequester—the automatic across-the-board spending cuts that most lawmakers profess to hate—the Washington drama machine is starting to...
February 19, 2013Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
I spent lunchtime today moderating a thoroughly discouraging Urban Institute panel discussion on the fiscal cliff. The consensus of the speakers—all highly-regarded budget experts—was that...
January 8, 2013Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Everyone trying to sort out the fiscal cliff deal is getting hopelessly tangled in budget baselines. Are taxes going up? Or are they going down?...
January 3, 2013Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
The Congressional Budget Office’s summer budget update charts two undesirable paths for the nation’s economic and fiscal health next year. Call them Gloom and Doom...
August 23, 2012Roberton C. Williams
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Don’t tell my Tax Policy Center colleagues I said this, but it isn’t always about taxes. If you listened to the presidential campaign this week,...
July 12, 2012Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Given Washington’s endless partisan nastiness—and thanks to some updated estimates by the Congressional Budget Office--it seems like a good time to revisit an old idea:...
September 1, 2011Howard Gleckman