October 5, 2010
As Congress delays action on extending the 2001-03 tax cuts, state revenue officers may be secretly hoping for continued legislative paralysis. Why? Because the federal...
October 4, 2010
The one-year lapse of the federal estate tax this year came with the unwelcome requirement that heirs assume their benefactors’ bases for some assets they...
October 1, 2010
The President shall, by the first Tuesday in October, address a joint session of Congress on the Fiscal State of the Union. Those words are...
September 30, 2010
No joke: The other day a financial planner told me about a client who asked if he could rework his father’s end-of-life advance directive to...
September 29, 2010
The alternative minimum tax , America’s favorite stealth levy, threatens to hit 27 million taxpayers this year if Congress doesn’t patch it once again. Given...
September 28, 2010
It is a good thing the “Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act ,” which died in the Senate today, was never supposed to pass...
September 23, 2010
Now it is official. Neither Democrats nor Republicans will run in 2010 on a serious platform to address the budget deficit . We knew the...
September 21, 2010
President Obama’s plan to raise taxes on the nation’s highest income households may not quite mean what you think. A closer look suggests that fewer...
September 16, 2010
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) wants to permanently extend all of the Bush-era tax cuts. He’s also rejected even modest efforts by President Obama...
September 14, 2010
America ’s long-term fiscal challenge will drive the nation’s domestic policy for years to come. But in an age of partisan noise and name-calling, it...