Tax Policy Center


: TaxVox
Will some private schools lose their tax-exempt status? If religious schools that ban same-sex relationships want to continue to do so, they might have to start paying taxes . If the US Supreme Court rules this month that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right, the IRS could conclude that
June 25, 2015Renu Zaretsky
: TaxVox
Be careful what you wish for. Businesses have backed an overhaul of the US tax code for quite some time, but their tune changes when it comes to corporate tax reform in other countries. The Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project, or BEPS, is an effort by the Organization for Economic Cooperation
May 14, 2015Renu Zaretsky
: TaxVox
A transformative gift for TPC. The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center has established the Pozen Director’s Chair , thanks to a major gift from Robert C. Pozen. “I am glad to support… one of the few American organizations that consistently provides nonpartisan and thoughtful analysis of current tax
May 6, 2015Renu Zaretsky
: Daily Deduction
Senator Hatch: The rich may pay more under tax reform but he won’t raise their rates. The Finance Committee Chairman said after yesterday’s hearing that while he would not raise rates on upper-income taxpayers, those folks might have to give up some favorite tax preferences in order to achieve
February 11, 2015Renu Zaretsky
: TaxVox
In the spending bill, inversion curbs could be curbed. The bill to fund the government through September 2015, scheduled for a House vote today and a Senate vote after that, waters down Democratic-supported curbs on corporate inversions. The Ds would have barred companies that move their tax
December 11, 2014Renu Zaretsky
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
The Internal Revenue Service is one of the biggest losers in the 2014 budget deal agreed to last night by House and Senate negotiators. Under...
January 14, 2014Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
My blog last Tuesday on overblown concerns about people falsely claiming subsides under the Affordable Care Act’s insurance exchanges generated a lot of response. Much...
July 18, 2013Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The IRS’s botched processing of requests for tax-exempt status by political groups isn’t the new Watergate. In fact, as scandals go, it is barely the...
May 15, 2013Howard Gleckman