The authors examine domestic spending over the 20th century to examine the factors that fueled it. A table highlights the change in federal domestic spending outlays as a percent of gross domestic product by presidential term. The following questions are discussed: (1) What is the relationship...
Because Social Security spends tax collections almost immediately, rather than putting them aside to fund future retirement costs, it is believed by many to reduce net national saving at a time when other private and public saving are considered too low. This low savings rate coincides with a...
Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle explains how raising the rate of contribution to private accounts by a significant amount, without a substantial increase in mandates or taxes might help clarify the Social Security privatization debate.
Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle comments on Social Security privatization options, noting that none say much of anything about the current private pension system, its advantages and limitations, nor about the ways that new, mandated, private accounts would be integrated with private accounts...
At least 21 states have already enacted tax cuts this year, and several more reductions are likely to be adopted before the books are closed on this year's legislative sessions. But, from the perspective of the overall state budgets, the great majority of tax reductions are little more than...
Devolution is a mixed blessing for states. The positive side of the ledger the increased flexibility in using funds that may accompany block grants has been widely discussed, although it is impossible to be certain about how states will take advantage of that flexibility. Less attention has been...
Revenue Options for Reducing the Deficit
Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle reveals the details - and difficulties - in the CBO's plan to reduce the deficit.
The Big-Spending Presidents
The authors examine domestic spending over the 20th century to examine the factors that fueled it. A table highlights the change in federal domestic spending outlays as a percent of gross domestic product by presidential term. The following questions are discussed: (1) What is the relationship...
Drafting Changes in Programs Based on the CPI
Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle reveals key issues ignored by the press in the current legislative debates over adjusting the Consumer Price Index.
Mandated Saving and the Fallacy of Aggregation
Because Social Security spends tax collections almost immediately, rather than putting them aside to fund future retirement costs, it is believed by many to reduce net national saving at a time when other private and public saving are considered too low. This low savings rate coincides with a...
Privatizing Social Security: A Third Option (Part 2 of 2)
Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle explains how raising the rate of contribution to private accounts by a significant amount, without a substantial increase in mandates or taxes might help clarify the Social Security privatization debate.
Privatizing Social Security: A Third Option (Part 1 of 2)
Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle comments on Social Security privatization options, noting that none say much of anything about the current private pension system, its advantages and limitations, nor about the ways that new, mandated, private accounts would be integrated with private accounts...
Revenues: Which Ones Really Grew?
Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle discusses the history of tax revenues in the 20th century.
Tax Cut Update
At least 21 states have already enacted tax cuts this year, and several more reductions are likely to be adopted before the books are closed on this year's legislative sessions. But, from the perspective of the overall state budgets, the great majority of tax reductions are little more than...
Republi-Taxes and Demo-Grants
Senior Fellow Eugene Steuerle examines the pros and cons of flat taxes and flat grants in tax and expenditure policies.
The Potential Impacts of Devolution on State Government Programs and Finances
Devolution is a mixed blessing for states. The positive side of the ledger the increased flexibility in using funds that may accompany block grants has been widely discussed, although it is impossible to be certain about how states will take advantage of that flexibility. Less attention has been...