January 6, 2011
Each year for the past decade, Nina Olson, the National Taxpayer Advocate at the Internal Revenue Service, has issued a report to Congress on the...
January 6, 2011
Each year for the past decade, Nina Olsen, the National Taxpayer Advocate at the Internal Revenue Service, has issued a report to Congress on the...
January 4, 2011
The battle lines, as they say, have been drawn. In his radio address last Saturday, President Obama said his goal for 2011 is to “do...
January 4, 2011
The battle lines, as they say, have been drawn. In his radio address last Saturday, President Obama said his goal for 2011 is to "do everything I can...
December 30, 2010
TaxVox regulars might notice we’re celebrating the New Year by moving to a new blog platform (it’s not exactly bubbly and caviar, but we are...
December 28, 2010
Much as I hate to write these words, tax reform isn’t going to happen in the coming year, or even in the year after that...
December 23, 2010
It's time for Tax Vox's fourth annual Lump of Coal Award, given to 2010's worst moments in fiscal policy. Bad law, outrageous rhetoric, and months...
December 22, 2010
In a flurry of lame-duck activity, Congress quickly passed the Obama-GOP compromise tax plan and the president signed it into law. TPC has incorporated the...
December 21, 2010
Why is Congress continuing to subsidize lower Manhattan real estate developers nearly a decade after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center? While...
December 17, 2010
When the President signs the big tax deal later today, will he be cutting income taxes for most families or sparing them a tax hike?...