Tax Policy Center

Tax Policy Center State and Local Finance Initiative

State and Local Issues: TaxVox
Whenever the federal government goes completely nuts , it can be comforting to remember the United States is a highly decentralized country . Fifty states...
January 25, 2019Tracy Gordon
State and Local Issues: TaxVox
While most presidential candidates are proposing big, bold changes to the federal tax code, they seem to be paying little attention to what those revisions would mean for state and local governments. And those implications could be substantial. That, at least, was the consensus at today’s panel
March 31, 2016Howard Gleckman
State and Local Issues: TaxVox
It isn’t easy to get up-to-date information about state and local economic conditions. Now, a new one-stop resource from The Tax Policy Center’s State and...
July 9, 2013Howard Gleckman