Tax Policy Center

stimulus checks

Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Talk about playing against type: The tax cuts in President Biden’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) are among the biggest one-year tax reductions in modern US...
March 16, 2021Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Republicans and some leading economists have raised concerns about the cost, fairness, and stimulative effects of proposed cash payments in the pandemic relief legislation Congress...
February 11, 2021James R. Nunns
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
One of the very oddest things about the bizarre debate over whether to increase the latest round of direct government payments from $600 per person...
January 5, 2021Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Defying the skeptics (including me ), the Internal Revenue Service last week began depositing direct payments of $1,200 for adults (plus $500 per child under...
April 22, 2020Janet Holtzblatt
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
As Republicans and Democrats joined hands to provide the most recent of what might be several stages of relief from our national pandemic crisis, almost...
April 13, 2020C. Eugene Steuerle