Tax Policy Center


Individual Taxes: TaxVox
In a new report , we find that the US tax code’s home mortgage interest deduction (HMID) favors White families relative to Black and Hispanic...
April 2, 2024Janet HoltzblattRobert McClellandGabriella Garriga
State and Local Issues: TaxVox
Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan (D) recently proposed raising the city’s tax on vacant or undeveloped land while reducing taxes on buildings by 30 percent. The...
July 24, 2023Lillian HunterSadie BogradAravind Boddupalli
: TaxVox
Because the IRS does not ask for a tax filer’s race or ethnicity on tax forms, examining the relationship between race and the tax system...
January 30, 2020Aravind BoddupalliKim S. Rueben
: TaxVox
Would you be surprised to learn that in addition to the $1.3 trillion the federal government will spend on Medicare, Medicaid , and related health...
January 28, 2020Frank Sammartino
: TaxVox
Several changes in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) significantly reduce the tax benefits of taking out a home mortgage (though these changes are...
November 20, 2019Chenxi Lu
: TaxVox
By roughly doubling the standard deduction and limiting the deduction from federal taxable income of state and local taxes (SALT), the Tax Cut and Jobs...
May 9, 2018C. Eugene Steuerle
State and Local Issues: TaxVox
How and why do our property tax dollars fund public education? It’s a tricky thing, asking taxpayers to pay for something they don’t feel they use every day. After all, some see public education as a public good that serves the overall economy and community. But others… don’t.
May 2, 2018Renu Zaretsky