Tax Policy Center

gas tax increase

State and Local Issues: TaxVox
With so much to follow in the midterm elections, it is easy to lose sight of a bumper crop of tax-related ballot measures . But...
November 9, 2018Vanessa Williamson
: TaxVox
Election Day 2018 has a bumper crop of voter initiatives on state taxes, ranging from new levies on carbon, payroll, motor fuels, marijuana, soda, and...
October 25, 2018Richard C. Auxier
: TaxVox
Still on the Hill: Extenders and highway funding drama. Today, the Senate Finance Committee is expected to mark-up its proposed restoration of expired tax breaks , and the full Senate plans to hold a procedural vote on highway funding legislation. Congress faces increasing pressure to move quickly
July 21, 2015Renu Zaretsky