Tax Policy Center


Business Taxes: TaxVox
Not for the first time, President Trump has me confused about his tax policy. The signature legislation of his presidency was the 2017 Tax Cuts...
December 5, 2019Howard Gleckman
Business Taxes: TaxVox
Economists—both liberal and conservative—love carbon taxes. The levies, they say, would create market incentives for people to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels and, more...
December 27, 2018Howard Gleckman
: TaxVox
Washington Governor Jay Inslee proposes a statewide cap and trade program. The Democrat released details of his carbon pollution market program that would give the state’s Department of Ecology authority to set annual goals aimed at reducing emissions to half of 1990 levels. Inslee would extend the
January 5, 2015Renu Zaretsky