Tax Policy Center

effective tax rates

: TaxVox
For the individual income tax, effective tax rates — measured as federal income tax divided by adjusted gross income (AGI) —have fallen significantly over the...
January 6, 2020Robert McClellandNikhita Airi
: TaxVox
About last year’s inversion rush… The US corporate tax rate, highest among industrialized nations at 35 percent, was driving companies to switch mailing addresses in return for lower tax rates, right? Not so fast. A Reuters analysis finds that the taxes paid by the six largest inversion-seeking
February 10, 2015Renu Zaretsky
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
After I wrote last week about Warren Buffett’s New York Times op-ed on the low tax rates paid by wealthy investors, Tax Policy Center visiting...
August 31, 2011Roberton C. Williams