Tax Policy Center

Tax Incentives for Retirement Savings (May 2020)

Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would repeal tax deductions for new contributions to retirement saving plans. These contributions remain eligible for the savers’ credit. Tax burden changes include...
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would repeal tax deductions for new contributions to retirement saving plans. These contributions remain eligible for the savers’ credit. Tax burden changes include...
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The alternative cash-flow method estimates the tax expenditures as the tax saving from deductions for qualified retirement plans, the savers’ credit, and current income accrued...
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The present value method estimates the tax expenditure as the difference between the present value of future retirement benefits from current-year contributions to retirement saving...
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would change the maximum combined employer and employee contribution limit before catch-up contributions to $15,000 per employee. Catch-up contributions remain as under the current law.
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would change the maximum combined employer and employee contribution limit before catch-up contributions to $20,000 per employee. Catch-up contributions remain as under the current law.
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would change the maximum combined employer and employee contribution limit before catch-up contributions to $15,000 per employee. Catch-up contributions would be repealed.
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would change the maximum combined employer and employee contribution limit before catch-up contributions to $20,000 per employee. Catch-up contributions would be repealed.
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would repeal the deduction of elective contributions for individual retirement accounts (IRAs), Keogh plans, and employer-sponsored defined-contribution accounts, and introduce a revenue-neutral refundable...
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would repeal the deduction of elective contributions for individual retirement accounts (IRAs), Keogh plans, and employer-sponsored defined-contribution accounts, and introduce a revenue-neutral nonrefundable...
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would repeal the deduction of elective contributions for individual retirement accounts (IRAs), Keogh plans, and employer-sponsored defined-contribution accounts, but continue to allow Roth contributions.
May 7, 2020
Individual Taxes: Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
The proposal would repeal the deduction of elective contributions for individual retirement accounts (IRAs), Keogh plans, and employer-sponsored defined-contribution accounts, but continue to allow Roth contributions.
May 7, 2020