Senator McCain's Tax Proposals as Described by his Economic Advisors Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Level, 2009, available by filing status
Senator McCain's Tax Proposals as Described by his Economic Advisors Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile, 2009, adjusted for family size, available by filing status
Senator McCain's Tax Proposals as Described in his Stump Speeches Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile, 2009, available by family size, by filing status
Senator McCain's Tax Proposals as Described by his Economic Advisors Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile, 2012, by filing status
Senator McCain's Tax Proposals as Described in his Stump Speeches Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile, 2012, adjusted for family size, by filing status
Senator McCain's Tax Proposals as Described by his Economic Advisors, Tax Cuts Extended Baseline Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Level, 2012, by filing status
Senator McCain's Tax Proposals as Described by his Economic Advisors, Tax Cuts Extended Baseline Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile, 2012, adjusted for family size, by filing status
2009 Change in individual income and corporate tax liability for representative unmarried nonelderly families under each of the two presidential candidate's proposals.
2009 Change in individual income and corporate tax liability for representative married nonelderly families under each of the two presidential candidate's proposals.
2009 Change in individual income and corporate tax liability for representative elderly families under each of the two presidential candidate's proposals.
Senator McCain's Tax Proposals as described in his stump speeches compared against a baseline that assumes the 2001-6 tax cuts are made permanent and the AMT patch is extended and indexed for inflation.
Senator McCain's Tax Proposals as Described in his Stump Speeches compared to a baseline that assumes the 2001-6 tax cuts are made permanent and the AMT patch is extended and adjusted for inflation.
2009 distribution, by cash income level, of the federal tax change of Senator McCain's tax proposal on workers. Workers are defined as tax units with positive wages and salaries or non-zero schedule C or F income.
2009 distribution, by cash income percentile, of the federal tax change of Senator McCain's tax proposal on workers. Workers are defined as tax units with positive wages and salaries or non-zero schedule C or F income.
2009 distribution table, by cash income level, of the federal tax change of reducing rate on long-term capital gains and qualifying dividends to 7.5 percent. Senator McCain has proposed reducing this rate as part of his "Pension and Family Security Plan".
2009 distribution, by cash income percentile, of the federal tax change of reducing the rate on long-term capital gains and qualifying dividends to 7.5 percent. Senator McCain has proposed reducing this rate as part of his "Pension and Family Security Plan".