Distribution of Federal tax change in 2013 from extending individual income tax provisions from the 2001-10 tax cuts, except for certain high-income provisions; against current law by income percentile
Distribution of Federal tax change in 2013 from extending individual income tax provisions from the 2001-10 tax cuts, except for certain high-income provisions; against current policy by income percentile
Distribution of Federal tax change in 2013 from extending individual income and estate tax provisions from the 2001-10 tax cuts, except for certain high-income provisions; against current policy by income percentile
Distribution of Federal tax change in 2013 from extending individual income and estate tax provisions from the 2001-10 tax cuts, except for certain high-income provisions; against current law by income percentile
Share of Total Federal Tax Change by AGI levels from extending 2001-10 tax cuts except for certain high-income provisions, against current policy in 2013
Distribution of Federal tax change in 2013 from extending individual income tax provisions from the 2001-10 tax cuts; against current law by income percentile
Distribution of Federal tax change in 2013 from extending individual income and estate tax provisions from the 2001-10 tax cuts; against current law by income percentile