Tax Policy Center

Distribution of Federal Taxes Under Current Law and Current Polcy, 2011-2013

Share of income, payroll, corporate, estate and federal taxes paid under current law, by cash income percentile, 2013.
September 12, 2012
Share of income, payroll, corporate, estate and federal taxes paid under current policy, by cash income level, 2012.
September 12, 2012
Share of income, payroll, corporate, estate and federal taxes paid under current policy, by cash income level, 2013.
September 12, 2012
Share of income, payroll, corporate, estate and federal taxes paid under current policy, by cash income percentile, 2012.
September 12, 2012
Share of income, payroll, corporate, estate and federal taxes paid under current policy, by cash income percentile, 2013.
September 12, 2012