T17-0256 - Major Provisions in House Bill: H.R. 1, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as Ordered Reported by the Committee on Ways and Means; Tax Units with a Tax Increase or Tax Cut, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2027; Baseline: Current Law
Table shows tax units with a tax increase or tax cut under the major provision in the House Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as passed by Ways and Means Committee by Expanded Cash Income Percentile in 2027. Due to data limitations, excludes the following provisions: repeal of credit for adoption expenses; repeal of deduction for moving expenses; limitation on exclusion of employee achievement awards and certain other fringe benefits; repeal of exclusion for qualified moving expense reimbursement; reduction in minimum age for allowable in-service distributions; small business accounting method reform and simplification; modifications to state and local bond interest (portion attributable to pass-through entities); and repeal of technical termination of partnerships.