Tax Policy Center

Model Estimates

Browse Model Estimates

T09-0134 - Administration's Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Proposals, Major Individual Income Tax Provisions, Baseline: Administration Baseline, Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Percentile, 2012

2012 distribution, by cash income percentile, of federal tax change from the major individual income tax provisions included in the Administration's Fiscal Year 2010 budget compared to the Administration's baseline. The proposal includes extending the Making Work Pay Credit, the expansion of the EITC, expansion of the refundability of the CTC and Saver's credit, and the American Opportunity tax credit. Automatic 401(k)s and IRAs would be created and the 36 percent and 29.6 percent rates would be reinstated. A 20% rate on capital gains and personal exemption phaseouts and limitations on itemized deductions would apply to tax units with income above $200,000 ($250,000 for couples). The rate at which itemized deductions reduce tax liability would be limited to 28 percent.

March 12, 2009