June 23, 2011
In Washington, bad ideas never go away. Now two old tax breaks have resurfaced with the ostensible goal of creating jobs, despite plenty of evidence...
June 22, 2011
Every couple years, the Congressional Budget Office publishes a very scary document, The Long-Term Budget Outlook . As in previous reports, the conclusion is that...
June 21, 2011
Social Security has two obvious problems. While the system is not “broke,” as some insist, it will have only enough money to provide future retirees...
June 17, 2011
Sensible budget wonks of all political stripes understand that a solution to our looming budget crisis will require more tax revenues. The aging of the...
June 16, 2011
In a revealing interview with Steve Moore of The Wall Street Journal , Representative Michele Bachmann(R-MN) called for repealing taxes on capital gains. She also...
June 15, 2011
A majority of Senate Republicans yesterday took a symbolic but hugely important vote to eliminate $6 billion in tax subsidies for the production of ethanol...
June 15, 2011
Last week , I argued that Governor Tim Pawlenty’s aspiration for 5% economic growth over a full decade, is implausible since the United States has...
June 14, 2011
As someone who spends her time thinking about how taxes affect low-income families – and ways to make it more rational – I can’t say...
June 10, 2011
Plenty. In his economic speech on Tuesday , presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty set out an ambitious goal for economic growth: Let’s grow the economy by...
June 9, 2011
In 2008, Barack Obama brought an all-star squad of centrist and center-left economists to the White House. Now, as he confronts a critical turning point...