Tax Policy Center


Joseph Rosenberg

Senior Research Associate

Social Media

Research report

This paper evaluates six options to achieve across-the-board reductions to a group of major exclusions and deductions in the income tax: (1) limiting their tax benefit to a maximum percentage of income, (2) imposing a fixed dollar cap, (3) reducing them by fixed-percentage amount, (4) limiting...

July 10, 2013
Eric ToderJoseph RosenbergAmanda Eng

This fact sheet examines the effects of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) on charitable giving. The major individual income tax provisions are estimated to increase giving by $3.3 billion or 1.5 percent, relative to 2012 law, mainly because of the increase in the top marginal tax...

January 10, 2013
Joseph RosenbergC. Eugene SteuerleKatherine Toran
Research report

This article presents IRS data on corporate dividends paid and received. Following the 2003 legislation that lowered the individual tax rate on dividends, roughly $350 billion of net corporate dividends have been paid annually. Less than half that amount has shown up as qualified dividend income...

September 17, 2012
Joseph Rosenberg

This article develops an alternative post-2012 personal income tax regime, the "Better Base Case." It argues that revenue collections of the same magnitude as those projected by the CBO (i.e., "current law") are necessary over the medium term, but that the efficiency and equity of current law's...

June 5, 2012
Edward D. KleinbardJoseph Rosenberg
Research report

This paper analyzes three options to increase individual income tax rates to reduce the projected debt-to-GDP to 60% by 2020, 2025 or 2035. Option 1 increases all individual income tax rates, Option 2 increases only the top three rates, and Option 3 only the top two rates. Options are analyzed...

March 6, 2012
Eric ToderJames R. NunnsJoseph Rosenberg
Research report

A value added tax (VAT) with a broad base and a VAT that excludes food, housing, and medical care would both impose larger burdens as a share of income on low-income than on high-income taxpayers. A rebate aimed at low-income taxpayers would reduce their VAT burden more than exclusions of...

February 14, 2012
Eric ToderJames R. NunnsJoseph Rosenberg
Research report

Effective tax rates (ETRs) measure how much people pay in taxes as a percentage of their pretax incomes. That seems simple, but theres an important complication: there are different ways to measure how much someone pays in taxes and how much he collects in pretax income. Those choices matter a...

February 8, 2012
Rachel M. JohnsonJoseph RosenbergRoberton C. Williams
Research report

This paper takes a broad look at tax expenditures in the context of revenue raising tax reform. It first reviews how tax expenditures have changed over the past 25 years and provides estimates of the distribution of tax savings resulting from tax expenditures today. The paper then examines three...

January 31, 2012
Daniel BanemanJoseph RosenbergEric ToderRoberton C. Williams
Research report

In "100 Million Unnecessary Returns," Columbia University law professor Michael J. Graetz proposed a sweeping reform of the federal tax system that is intended to simplify the tax system, improve economic incentives, and maintain fairness. The Graetz proposal would remove most current taxpayers...

January 27, 2012
Eric ToderJames R. NunnsJoseph Rosenberg

From TaxVox