Tax Policy Center

working families

: TaxVox
Presidential Budgets reveal much about the priorities of an administration. President Trump’s fiscal year 2021 budget, released in early 2020, proposes almost no additional resources...
June 9, 2020C. Eugene Steuerle
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The District of Columbia is considering a creative new plan to transform the city’s earned income tax credit (EITC) from a one-time payment received at...
July 16, 2018Elaine Maag
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made many changes to the individual income tax. In particular, the child tax credit (CTC) was increased to provide...
April 19, 2018Elaine Maag
: TaxVox
President Trump and House Republicans promised families a significant increase in the Child Tax Credit (CTC) . The House Ways & Means Committee’s Tax Cuts...
November 14, 2017Elaine Maag
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Lest you’re worried that Donald Trump doesn’t like babies, he’s come out with a proposal he says will reduce the cost of their care.
August 8, 2016Elaine Maag