Tax Policy Center


: TaxVox
In addition to that other election you might have followed last week, Americans voted on a whole bunch of state tax measures . And while...
November 16, 2020Richard C. Auxier
State and Local Issues: TaxVox
Like most states, Colorado and Texas do not have legislative or gubernatorial elections in 2019. Still, their voters are facing tricky, and potentially far-reaching, tax...
October 28, 2019Richard C. Auxier
: TaxVox
A tax break on the vine is worth none in the bush? TPC’s Howard Gleckman describes yet another stupid tax trick in his latest post. A provision for some fruit and nut growers was slipped into a bill restoring extra tax breaks for business investment. The goodie, also examined in depth by Marc
June 16, 2014Renu Zaretsky