Tax Policy Center

tax return

Individual Taxes: TaxVox
With Congress about to debate a second round of stimulus payments for tens of millions of people, it is important to review some lessons about...
July 23, 2020Janet Holtzblatt
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
Yesterday, former IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg (who held top tax positions in the administrations of both Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush)
August 24, 2016Steven M. Rosenthal
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Federal income taxes are complicated. That’s why roughly 90 percent of us either hire someone to prepare our tax returns or use computer software to do the job on our own. Only a tenth of us actually sit down and fill out the forms by hand. But it’s still important to understand what goes onto the
April 9, 2014Roberton C. Williams