Tax Policy Center


Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Given Washington’s endless partisan nastiness—and thanks to some updated estimates by the Congressional Budget Office--it seems like a good time to revisit an old idea:...
September 1, 2011Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Here’s a quick multiple choice quiz about the Gang of Six’s new budget proposal. Over the next ten years, would the proposal: a. Cut taxes...
July 20, 2011Donald Marron
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The Senate’s bipartisan on again/off again Gang of Six has proposed an ambitious tax and spending package that closely follows the plan offered six months...
July 20, 2011Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Give Sen. Tom Coburn(R-OK) credit. In a city where obfuscation and misdirection are the coin of the realm, the conservative Republican lets you know exactly...
July 19, 2011Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
There has been a lot of talk in Washington recently about “job-killing tax increases.” Raising taxes, the argument goes, would lead businesses to hire fewer...
July 15, 2011Roberton C. Williams
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Let me see if I have this right: Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has effectively embraced the debt limit plan first offered months ago...
July 14, 2011Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
In July 2000, under immense pressure from President Clinton, the Israeli government made Yasser Arafat a remarkable offer: It would recognize a Palestinian state that...
July 12, 2011Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Should Congress use a new measure of inflation to index the tax code? It sounds awfully technical—and it is—but shifting to what most economists believe...
July 7, 2011Howard Gleckman
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
President Obama’s proposal to raise taxes on corporate jets is the Democratic version of “waste, fraud and abuse”—a political attack on a target of opportunity...
July 5, 2011Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
Fiscal hawks (including me) often warn about what would happen to financial markets if Washington doesn’t get the deficit under control, and, worse, can’t manage...
June 28, 2011Howard Gleckman