Tax Policy Center

H.R. 3818, The Republican Study Committee's Taxpayer Choice Act

Federal Budget and Economy: Alternative Minimum Tax
2007 Distribution of federal tax change by cash income level resulting from replacing the current individual income tax with the Republican Study Committee's alternative tax. The alternative denies all itemized deductions and credits and provides a substantially larger standard deduction, slightly
December 9, 2007
Federal Budget and Economy: Alternative Minimum Tax
2007 Distribution of federal tax change by cash income percentile resulting from replacing the current individual income tax with the Republican Study Committee's alternative tax. The alternative denies all itemized deductions and credits and provides a substantially larger standard deduction,
December 9, 2007
Federal Budget and Economy: Alternative Minimum Tax
2008-18 Impact on individual income tax revenue for H.R. 3818, the Republican Study Committee's Taxpayer Choice Act (with a behavioral response). H.R. 3818 permanently repeals the individual alternative minimum tax (AMT), permanently extends the 2003 rate cuts on capital gains and dividends, and
December 20, 2007