April 12, 2013
President Obama’s budget identifies a group of policies as a $1.8 trillion deficit reduction proposal. I found the budget presentation of this proposal somewhat confusing;...
April 12, 2013
The president’s FY 2014 Budget would limit tax benefits for workers with high-balance retirement saving accounts. Although critics call the plan a blow to workers’...
April 11, 2013
From the start of his 2008 campaign, President Obama has called for raising taxes on the rich. He got much but not all that he...
April 10, 2013
President Obama’s 2014 budget arrived two months late and was declared DOA by the House GOP leadership days before they even saw it. Yet, it...
April 9, 2013
The White House has put out the word that President Obama’s budget will propose changing the way government adjusts benefits for Social Security and other...
April 8, 2013
Small businesses occupy an iconic place in the public policy debate and benefit from a broad range of tax and spending subsidies. But the economic...
April 5, 2013
2013 is a tough year if you owe payroll tax, as most of us do. Not only did the 2010 payroll tax cut die at...
April 4, 2013
House Republicans, former GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, and the chairs of President Obama’s 2010 fiscal commission, Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, have all called...
April 3, 2013
A few years ago, it was fashionable to compare California, Illinois, or whatever U.S. state was struggling financially to the troubled island nation of Greece...
April 2, 2013
It is an article of faith at the White House and among some congressional Republicans that while individual tax reform may be off the table...