Tax Policy Center


Rudolph G. Penner

Institute Fellow

Social Media


Institute fellow Rudy Penner questions the costs and after-effects of heavy economic stimulus. There is a path out of our misery, he says, but it is surrounded by big and little mines, some of which have been planted by public policy.

April 2, 2009
Rudolph G. Penner
Research report

The article considers special federal tax provisions affecting the elderly. It examines the taxation of Social Security, private retirement accounts, estate taxation and other provisions of the law that mention age. It also analyzes how the elderly might be affected by tax increases necessitated...

February 3, 2009
Rudolph G. Penner

The prevalent theme in recent discussions of stimulus is that the risk of doing too little exceeds the risk that we shall do too much. But we must ask how much of too much we can tolerate. The risks of overdoing it are severe and are not emphasized enough in the current discussion. The main...

January 21, 2009
Rudolph G. Penner

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette op-ed, September 28, 2008. The current financial crisis poses a severe threat to the economy, but it also creates a tremendous opportunity, writes Rudolph Penner in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It gives politicians cover for undertaking painful actions to get the long-run...

September 28, 2008
Rudolph G. Penner

Using dynamic scoring to weigh the effects of tax and spending proposals poses a high risk that ideological biases will pollute the analysis, senior fellow Rudolph Penner warns in a Ripon Forum commentary. The former director of the Congressional Budget Office also points out that...

April 21, 2006
Rudolph G. Penner

[Investor's Business Daily] In this article, Senior Fellows Rudolph Penner and Eugene Steuerle diagnose the hidden calamity confronting the federal budget and offer a mix of simple, powerful mechanisms to "make the budget ever more responsible instead of ever less." Currently, Social...

August 29, 2005
C. Eugene SteuerleRudolph G. Penner

Despite the intensity of the debate over President Bush's tax policies, all political factions seem to agree that tax and spending programs should, on average, distribute economic resources from the rich to the poor. The arguments involve the amount of redistribution; only fringe groups ask...

December 31, 2003
Rudolph G. Penner
Research report

In this article from U.S. Fixed Income Monthly, Rudy Penner argues that the political response today to the deteriorating budget situation is much different from the 1980s. In the 1980s and early 1990s, Congress worked vigorously to restore fiscal responsibility. There is little evidence...

November 21, 2003
Rudolph G. Penner

[L.A. Times] Four Economic Views, but there's one point on which analysts agree: The U.S. economy is shaky. But beyond that basic truth, there is little consensus. Why things soured, how to get back on track, even how.

December 29, 2002
Rudolph G. Penner

From TaxVox