Tax Policy Center


Joseph Rosenberg

Senior Research Associate

Social Media

Research report

Taxpayers who elect to itemize can claim a deduction against federal income tax liability for contributions made to registered charitable organizations. While cash gifts still account for the vast majority of charitable donations reported on tax returns, gifts of noncash property have grown as a...

December 13, 2011
Joseph Rosenberg
Research report

Two ways of reducing the deficit are imposing a broad VAT with a rebate to offset the burden on low-income households and increasing marginal income tax rates. The prototype VAT would impose a larger burden on low- and middle-income households than raising income tax rates and increase...

November 22, 2011
James R. NunnsJoseph RosenbergEric Toder

This brief attempts to access the trends in charitable giving and how the current economic turmoil has affected the nonprofit sector - the main topic of an August 2011 roundtable hosted by the Tax Policy and Charities project at the Urban Institute. Twenty-five experts on tax policy and the...

November 1, 2011
Joseph RosenbergPatrick RooneyC. Eugene SteuerleKatherine Toran
Research report

The Tax Policy center has developed a new method for estimating the distributional effects among income groups of a broad-based consumption tax, such as a value-added tax (VAT). The new method provides separate measures of the long-run and transitional effects of introducing a VAT. In the long-...

April 12, 2011
Eric ToderJames R. NunnsJoseph Rosenberg
Research report

President Obama's 2012 Budget contains a number of tax provisions that would cut taxes for low- and middle-income households and raise taxes on wealthier taxpayers. This resource guide describes the tax proposals, offers more detailed commentary on key provisions, and links to tables showing the...

March 28, 2011
Benjamin H. HarrisElaine MaagDonald MarronJames R. NunnsJoseph RosenbergKim S. RuebenEric ToderRoberton C. Williams
Research report

Continuation of current U.S. fiscal policy will lead to an enormous accumulation of debt with potentially disastrous economic consequences. Exacerbated by the recent economic turmoil and fueled by the willingness of creditors to lend at very low interest rates, there is signifi cant risk that...

September 1, 2010
Leonard E. BurmanKatherine LimJeffrey RohalyJoseph Rosenberg
Research report

This report examines the effects of imposing a new value added tax (VAT) in the United States and using the revenue raised to lower payroll tax and corporate income tax rates. We summarize how different forms of VAT operate and compare how a VAT, payroll tax, and corporate income treat different...

April 7, 2010
Joseph RosenbergEric Toder
Research report

The Roadmap for America's Future Act of 2010 is a detailed reform package that overhauls Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the U.S. federal tax system. In a January 27, 2010, report, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analyzed the spending provisions of the plan. This paper presents...

March 9, 2010
Joseph Rosenberg
Research report

The Tax Policy Center has examined the key tax proposals in President Obama's 2011 budget. Separate discussions below describe each of the proposals including current law, proposed changes, and, when appropriate, the distributional effects. The budget as presented by the president lacks complete...

February 19, 2010
Rosanne AltshulerDan HalperinBenjamin H. HarrisJoseph RosenbergEric ToderRoberton C. Williams

From TaxVox