Tax Policy Center



This comment letter to the US Senate Finance Committee addresses the tax treatment of cryptocurrency staking. Stakers validate blockchain transactions and receive compensation for that work in the form of more cryptocurrency tokens. They should pay ordinary income taxes on the rewards they...

September 8, 2023
Donald Marron

We examine how proposals to modify and expand the EITC would change its impacts during economic downturns. Using components from the Economic Security Project’s Cost-of-Living Refund, we identify three main effects. First, accelerating the credit phase-in (or eliminating it entirely) would...

May 18, 2020
Elaine MaagDonald Marron
Research report

The earned income tax credit provides substantial assistance to low- and moderate-income workers. Benefits tilt heavily to families with children. Prompted in part by the success of the credit and in part by shortcomings in the credit, policymakers, advocates, and analysts have offered up reform...

June 10, 2019
Elaine MaagDonald MarronErin Huffer

The cost-of-living refund (CLR), a proposal from the Economic Security Project, would revise the current earned income tax credit (EITC) by increasing benefits for many people, expanding eligibility for the credit, and paying the credit in advance via monthly payments. The proposal would provide...

June 10, 2019
Elaine MaagDonald MarronErin Huffer
Research report

A robust carbon tax would generate considerable revenue. Some carbon tax advocates have suggested returning those revenues to Americans through direct payments, often called carbon dividends. We examine how to design these dividends considering two, sometimes conflicting, principles. Carbon...

December 11, 2018
Donald MarronElaine Maag

This brief documents how the US tax system treats the most common forms of equity compensation, including stock, restricted stock units, and stock options. In most cases, these forms of equity compensation are taxed just like cash wages, salaries, and bonuses. Employees pay ordinary income taxes...

October 4, 2017
Donald Marron

Donald Marron, Institute Fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, testified before the US Senate Committee on Finance as part of the hearing "Business Tax Reform." Marron presented seven main points about business tax reform based on the proposals that have been discussed by the Congress...

September 19, 2017
Donald Marron
Research report

Governments are starting to use taxes to discourage consumption of sugary drinks. Those taxes typically scale with drink volume. But sugar content varies widely. This report analyses the potential benefits and costs of scaling these taxes to sugar content. Taxes based on sugar content reduce...

December 12, 2016
Norton FrancisDonald MarronKim S. Rueben
Research report

Controversy rages about how to tax carried interest. One view sees carry as compensation that should be taxed like other labor income. Another sees carry as a reward for financial risk-taking that should be taxed like capital income. A third sees carry as creating a costly tax arbitrage. In this...

October 6, 2016
Donald Marron

From TaxVox